
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

- Matthew 6:21
Your gifts, tithes, and offerings, directly support the mission and ministry of Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church. Simply put, without your gifts, we would not be able to meet our budgetary needs each month, care for our staff, and keep the lights on. We are directly supported by the generosity of members of our congregation.

 Out of the abundance God supplies for his people, we return to him a tithe. For:
"The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters." Psalm 24:1

Ways To Give

Give Online

Via our online portal, you can give a one-time gift, or a recurring gift as your regular offering to the church. Please choose between the General Fund (operating budget), our Building Fund, or one-time Special Gifts.

Give In Person

Some members of our church choose to give on Sunday mornings during the worship service. There is something meaningful and significant about placing an offering in the plates during worship, and this opportunitiy is always available.

Mail A Check

Whether as a one-time special gift, or on a recurring basis, you are always welcome to mail a check to the church office. Please indicate in the memo line, or with a note the purpose of your gift so it can be directed to the proper fund.

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